FREE Baby Goat Shower!
- FREE just bring a gift for the goats.
- RSVP REQUIRED call (928) 970-6648 and ask for directions!
- Bring family and friends for free goat product appetizers, free drinks, free games, & prizes!
- Come visit the babies! We look forward to seeing you there with your human herd!!
Baby Goat Shower Gift Ideas:
- Apple & oat horse treats (please no grain)
- Alphalfa treats (please no grain)
- Tractor Supply gift cards
FREE Bird Watchers Paradise!
- FREE yet we gladly accept donations.
- By appointment only - please contact us (see the bottom of the website).
- Welcome Birders! As a fellow birder and wildlife photographer, Brandon and I would like to invite you to come out to Fish or Price Ranch and bird the property!
- We are slowly adding new bird attractants including ponds, trees, and shrubs. We also have an area setup with bird feeders. Our landscape will change tremendously over the next 5-10 years as we add new life to the property; we hope to attract a large variety of birds.
- We will have bird lists available and would love it if you spot new birds and let us know!
- Please do not leave any trash on the ranch and kindly respect our animals and home.
Bird Gift Ideas:
- Plant-A-Tree Donations
- Birdseed Donations